About me

My Name is Kurt Litsinger and this is my teacher blog. I am currently teaching 6th grade Special Education at Salmon Bay K8. I started this blog to help students and parent connect with me about assignments, class expectations, and activities.

How to use this blog...

This blog is a listing of the assignments and activities that happened in 6th grade. Students and parents can look at any given day to find a summary of lessons, goals, activities, assignments, and other information they may need.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Stuff to know

6th grade science final exam Wednesday the 28th.  Students can have a notecard with notes, but chances are anyone who makes a really good notecard knows the information pretty well.

There is no school Friday, so if WEP happens (snow doesn't look great) it will be on Thursday the 29th.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The best plans...

So today we had a science test.  I know one was coming up, but didn't realize it was today.  Fortunately our students can make corrections.  Study up on snails.

On Jan 28th, there will be a Science Final.  Students will be able to make a notecard with information on it.  This is a good opportunity for students to show their study skills be working ahead to make sure their notecard is helpful.

Math-ChOW 15

LA- 3 annotations (2 theme, 1 other).

Social Studies- Buddhism reading packet.  Students were also writing a short, mythological story.

One of the kids told me that wearing your PJs inside out and putting ice cubes in the toilet helps it snow, so everyone do that so we can have WEP!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week of Jan 12-16

WEP is cancelled this week (again).  Hopefully we we get enough snow to have WEP next week!

Math-ChOW 14.  Students have also been handed a practice test for adding and subtracting fractions, which means, at somepoint in the near future, we can expect one of those!

Science- This seems to be the time of year when students have many missing science assignments.  Your student's source should guide them to any missing assignments they need to make up.

They are also Reading about and observing snails.  Ask your student about "love darts."

Social Studies- On Wednesday we are having an MLK assembly.  This includes a guest story teller about African-American perspectives from the American Revolution.  This means Katie is doing a crash course on american revolution for background knowledge.

Language Arts-  We are pushing forward with persuasive essays.  This will guide our understanding of claim and reasons.

There are 5 post-it annotations due on Friday.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year

It's time to welcome students back to school.  Returning for a break can be a big adjustment for many students.  To adults, two weeks doesn't seem like like away from rules and work, but to students, two weeks of unstructured time can be a life altering event!  Help your student return to their home/school routines, as we remind them of the expectations at school.

Math:  Jon's students have a new Chow (13).

Science: Joel is planning on having a science exam Wednesday (Jan 7th)

Language Arts: In addition to reading at home, students are beginning a unit on persuasive essay.  Specifically your student should be able to tell you the difference between claim and fact.